今年3月で楽天アンリミットの無料期間が切れる。楽天モバイルの料金プラン「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI(ラクテンアンリミットシックス)」のこと。月額料金3,278円(税込)でデータ通信と電話を無制限に使えるプラン。 無料期間を過ぎてもデータ使用量が1GB未満であればの月額料金が無料になる。
My Rakuten UN-LIMIT one-year free trial period will expire at the end of March. The monthly rate depends on the amount of used data in the the Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI service plan. When your total monthly data usage is 1GB or less, the fee will be zero yen. If the total monthly data usage is between 1GB and 3GB, the fee will be 1,078 yen including tax, and for total monthly data usage between 3GB and 20GB, the fee will be 2,178 yen including tax. If your data usage exceeds 20GB, the fee will be 3,278 yen including tax.