
英語学習, 本, 映画, ビジネス, メンタルヘルスなどの紹介


天丼 (てんどん)とは天ぷら丼ぶり (てんぷらどんぶり) の略。てんぷらを井鉢に盛った飯の上に載せてたれをかけた、どんぶり料理。天ぷらは、魚介類や野菜類を揚げたもの。

Tendon is a short name (an abbreviation) for Tempura Donburi. It is popular called by Tendon. Tendon's "ten" means tempura, "don" means donburi which is rice bowl. Tendon is a Japanese traditional dish which consists a bowl of rice tooped with tempura. Tempura is a dish of deep fried shrimp, fish and vegetables.

浅草の老舗 大黒家 天麩羅 Tempura Daikokuya の紹介。明治20年創業の浅草を代表する天ぷら屋さんのひとつ。天ぷらが黒っぽく見えるのは、創業以来守ってきた、江戸前天ぷら特有のごま油と、甘辛く濃厚な独特なタレのため。この味に関しては好き嫌いが別れると思う。

It’s one of Asakusa’s most representative tempurarestaurants, founded in 1887. The tempura looks dark, which is because of the sesame oil typical for Edomae tempura and rich, flavorful, and salty-sweet. This sauce is made with the same recipe since the restaurant’s opening, a well-guarded secret. This is not to everybody's taste, I guess. People tend to love or hate it.

天丼 (えび、きす、かき揚げ) 1,600円

One each of prawn, mixed-tempura & kisu fish
