
英語学習, 本, 映画, ビジネス, メンタルヘルスなどの紹介

小説medium 霊媒探偵 城塚翡翠の感想 (英語で紹介)

相沢沙呼の小説 medium 霊媒探偵 城塚翡翠 (じょうづかひすい)の感想。

medium detective Jouzuka Hisui by Sako Aizawa



A medium is a person who can contact and talk with the dead and pass messages from them to people who are still alive.

あらすじ: 死者が視える霊媒・城塚翡翠と、推理作家・香月史郎が、心霊と論理を組み合わせ、世間を騒がす連続死体遺棄事件に立ち向かうお話。

Synopsis: The story of Hisui Jouzuka, a medium who can see the dead, and Shiro Kazuki, a mystery writer, who combines psychic phenomena and logic to confront a series of corpse abandonment cases that have caused a great sensation.

感想: 最初の3つの短編ミステリーはありきたりで、普通程度の面白さ。事件の真相を解き明かす場面は冗長に感じる。しかし、終盤は事態が文字通りひっくり返り、面白い。最驚かつ最叫の作品というのも分かる。

Review: The first three short mysteries are stereotypedsob and only moderately interesting. The scene where the truth of the case is revealed seems redundant. However, the last part of the book is interesting, as things are literally turned upside down. I can see why it is the most surprising and most exciting novel.


Live-action broadcast is scheduled to begin in October 2022 with Kaya Kiyohara.