
英語学習, 本, 映画, ビジネス, メンタルヘルスなどの紹介

アニメ「サウスパーク」South Parkで英語学習

サウスパーク(South Park)は、コロラド州の田舎町「サウスパーク」を舞台にしたアメリカのアニメ。

South Park is an American animated series set in the rural town of South Park, Colorado.
It is characterized by its unique and cute cutout-style illustrations, but in reality it is an extreme gag cartoon full of social satire (社会風刺) and black humor.


The Death of Eric Cartman エリックカートマンの死 (第9シーズン 第6話)】



At Stan's house, Stan and his friends are waiting for Sharon (Stan's mother) to come home from buying Kentucky Fried Chicken. When she arrives home, she tells Stan and the others to help her take the shopping bags inside before they eat. Cartman stays behind and rips the skins off the chicken pieces and eats the skin off of every piece of chicken!!
The skin is the best part of the Kentucky Fried Chiken....


カイル「絶対にうまいよ。God, this is gonna be sooo yummy」

カートマン「スタン、お前のママがケンタッキーフライドチキンを夕飯に買ってくるって言ってたじゃないか!そうなのか、そうじゃないのか!?Stan, you said your mom was bringing Kentucky Fried Chicken home for dinner! Now is she or isn't she?!」




This angers Stan and his friends, who decide to ignore Cartman! His classmates, out of their resentment toward Cartman, agree to ignore him.
Cartman is ignored by everyone. However, Cartman mistakenly believes that he is dead and invisible. 


スタン「わかった、じゃあ、無視しよう。これからは奴に話しかけず、認識しないようにしようぜ。All right. Then let's just ignore him. From now on, let's not talk to him, let's not even acknowledge him」

カートマン「まるで俺が...死んだみたいだ。違う、違う、死んでない。死んでたまるか!!It's almost as if I were... dead. No. No, I can't be dead. I can't be dead!!」

クライド「あいつを無視するという選択肢があったとは。 I never realized ignoring him was an option」



When Cartman visits Butters, who does not know that Cartman is being ignored by everyone, Butters, too, because of his purity, thinks that Cartman is a ghost.


カートマン「大量のチキンの皮を食べて内臓が破裂したんだ。I ate a bunch of chicken skin and it blew out my insides」

カートマン「バターズ、くそ!俺はお前の想像なんかじゃない!俺は死んだのに何故かお前には見えるんだ!Butters, Goddamnit, I'm not in your imagination! I'm dead and for some reason you can see me!」



The two, having made a strange mistake, make amends to to all the people Cartman has wronged over the years in order to bring Cartman to Heaven.


カートマン「どういうわけか俺の魂はこの地球上に閉じ込められている。天国への道を見つけることができない。For some reason, my spirit is trapped here on Earth. I can't find the passage to Heaven」

カートマン「天国で一人一人を待っているのは、永遠の至福と神の安息、そして現金一万円なんだ。What awaits each person in heaven is eternal bliss, divine rest, and ten thousand dollars cash」




Cartman's positive take on being ignored by friends (can I say positive since he thinks he's dead lol) is pretty funny. Butters is also as silly and cute as ever. The climax of the movie, what the two of them do in order to bring Cartman to heaven, is iaughable. Cartman is a genius with a lot of energy, so it's hard to dislike him.


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