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引用  FはFamilyのF | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト


FはFamilyのF (F is for Family)


Middle-aged Frank, who works at an airport, has a penchant for shouting and profanity-filled rants. F is for Family is an American adult animated web television series created for Netflix. The show is a "family comedy" based on the standup of Bill Burr and the show takes place in the 1970s.



フランク・ マーフィー (Frank Murphy)


Frank is the overall main protagonist of F Is for Family. He is the father of Kevin, Bill, Maureen, and Infant Murphy and husband to Sue Murphy. He is the baggage department manager for Mohican Airways.

人々(特に彼の家族や友人)のフランクのイメージは、口汚い、傲慢、怠慢、乱暴で、やや衝動的で、批判的で、無礼で、無神経で、知的で、後悔し、利己的で、偽善的で道徳的です (一部を除きひどい言われよう)。よって、彼は通常アンチヒーローとして描かれています。

By a lot of people (especially his family and friends), Frank is best described as: abusive, arrogant, neglectful, truculent, slightly impulsive, judgmental, rude, insensitive, intelligent, remorseful, selfish, hypocritical and moral. Thus, he is usually portrayed as the Antihero.


Season 1 Episode 1 スウェーデン戦の雪辱 (The Bleedin' in Sweden)の紹介です。


Desperate to keep his buddies from watching the fight at a neighbor's house, Frank promises an epic big-screen experience. But now he has to deliver.



フランクは隣人に対抗するために、持っていないカラーTVがあると言ってしまい、泣けなしのお金を叩いてTVを買うはめになります。しかし、宿題をしていた息子のビルにうっかり壊されてしまいます (巨大な磁石をTVにくっつけてぶっ壊します。わざとにしか見えない)。

Frank overpromises that he has a color TV to convince the neighbors to come to his house instead. After he purchases one, Bill accidentally ruins it when he sticks a magnet on it as part of a school project.


Frank initially believes that the store sold him a lemon* and has an outburst in front of all the employees and customers when they refuse to give him a refund, embarrassing Sue.


"lemon" is used to mean a faulty or defective item.


It is because the lemon is sour tasting, despite its bright and cheery appearance.




このF is for Family、日常系のアニメですが、70年代の話でアメリカの抱える諸問題を取り込んでいます。




I sweated blood at that airport for 12 hours today, and what's important to me is I have just one moment of peace with my family, enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal.



F is for Family - Wikipedia